Taking Control of the Condition.

How can I effectively treat for yeast?

In order to restore the normal microbacterial flora of the colon, or good bacteria, it is essential that you kill the yeast in your system. A strong antifungal such as Diflucan and Nystatin effectively kills the yeast, but does not harm the good bacteria in our digestive tract, can be used. After you eradicate the yeast, it is necessary that you replace and build up the good bacteria such as Lactobacillus acidophilus in your digestive system. There are natural things you can do to alleviate your uncomfortable gastrointestinal symptoms. A healthy yeast-free eating program can help to stop feeding the yeast in your gut. and probiotics will help restore the good bacteria so that you have a healthy intestinal system again. Digestive enzymes can help as well. Digestive enzymes are essential to your body's absorption of nutrients and the complete metabolism of food. The capacity of the body to make enzymes diminishes with age, therefore the efficiency of digestion declines.

What is the yeast-free diet?

A yeast-free, grain-free diet that eliminates dietary sources of yeast and other fungi, vinegar and fermented products. sugar and carbohydrate-rich foods that provide nourishment to yeast is recommended. Yeast grows on sugar, therefore when treating for yeast sensitivity, all sugars and carbohydrates are eliminated. This is known as Stage I of the diet and lasts 5 weeks, maybe even longer. The diet to follow is attached.

Eliminating sugar can be the most difficult part of the yeast-free diet, in part because so many foods contain added sugar. In addition to cane sugar and beet sugar. you will have to avoid honey, corn syrup, maple syrup, molasses, fruit sugar (fructose), milk sugar (lactose), and malt sugar (maltose), because yeast grows on sugar. Refined grains and starchy foods such as bread, pizza, pasta, cereal, potatoes, and rice are also eliminated because they can be quickly broken down into simple sugars. Once you have successfully killed off the yeast through the use of antifungal medications and the yeast-free, grain-free diet, you can introduce some of the foods back into your diet on a rotational basis; it is not to be eaten more frequently than every four days (once or twice a week). This is known as Stage 2.

Are food cravings related to yeast?

Yeast sensitive patients crave sugar and simple carbohydrates. such as breads, cakes, cookies, etc. The reason? Yeast grows on sugar and on any food that can quickly be broken down into sugar. Cravings for sugar are both the cause and consequence of yeast overgrowth and are a primary target of treatment.

What is yeast die-off?

Paradoxically, some patients begin to feel worse, not better, when they begin the anti-yeast program. Though this can be a disturbing experience, it is actually a sign that the treatment is working. These symptoms are the predictable result of yeast die-off, also called the Herxheimer reaction. When large numbers of yeast cells die in a short period of time, the body has a difficult time detoxifying them quickly. As a result, yeast toxins enter circulation and can cause symptoms in the mucous membranes that cover the surfaces of most organs in the body, including the mouth, esophagus, stomach, intestine, sexual and urinary organs, sinuses, ears, and bronchi. Each person's die-off reaction is different. In some patients. preexisting symptoms are exacerbated; in others, new symptoms appear. Symptoms can last anywhere from several days to two weeks. In some cases, reducing the dosage of Nystatin is appropriate to slow down the die-off process and lessen the symptoms. Following the yeast-free, grain-free diet is critical to helping you weather this period.